Docker Image Scan results for rancher/nginx

Scan performed at 2022-12-12 15:23:07 using the CoGuard CLI


18 Total failed checks. 7 High / 2 Medium / 9 Low.


Rule identifier Severity Documentation
nginx_enforce_ssl 5 SSL should always be enabled, i.e. no cleartext communication. This can be checked in NGINX by adding ssl to the listen arguments.
Remediation: Set ssl at the end of every listen directive (unless it is in a path that forwards to an SSL directive).
nginx_x_frame_options_header 4 There is an HTTP response header that makes it harder to do clickjacking. NGINX can automatically set this header for every response by setting add_header X-Frame-Options to either SAMEORIGIN or DENY in nginx.conf.
nginx_ssl_protocols_tls_1_2_higher 4 By default, NGINX uses for ssl_protocols the value TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2.
Since any protocol before TLSv1.2 is deprecated, it is recommended to change this default and only use TLSv1.2 or higher.Remediation: Set the ssl_protocols on the http block to any protocols greater or equal to TLS1.2.
nginx_x_xss_protection_header 4 Although being largely replaced nowadays by the Content-Security-Policy header, it is still advisable to add the header X-XSS-Protection to every response to protect older web browsers from potential cross site scripting attacks.
Remediation: Ensure that every http block in your NGINX configuration has add_header X-XSS-Protection [VALUE], where value is not 0.
nginx_content_security_policy_header_set 4 Modern browsers support a header called Content-Security-Policy, where multiple combinations of directives are possible to be set to ensure that the delivered content is not tampered with (e.g. by XSS attacks). This check flags if there is no such header added to an http directive of NGINX.
Remediation: Ensure that every http block in your NGINX configuration has the add_header Content-Security-Policy value with some basic rules enabled.
dockerfile_last_user_should_be_non_root 4 When creating a Docker container, it is possible to set the user who is actually running the application and any command on the container. It is important to specifically use the USER directive in any Dockerfile to ensure that the user is not root and has unnecessary privileges.
Remediation: Have at least one USER directive in your Dockerfile, and the last user directive should not reference the root user or root group.
nginx_hsts_header_added 4 There is an HTTP response header that instructs the browser to only communicate with the website using HTTPS, the so called HSTS header. This one should be enabled.
Remediation: In the http section of the nginx.conf, ensure that there is a directive of the form add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age:<YOUR-VALUE>; includeSubdomains"
nginx_limit_simultaneous_connections 3 In order to avoid having a single user over-loading the system with parallel connections, NGINX provides a module to limit the parallel connections possible to be opened by a so-called connection zone opened by a user.
Remediation: Set the limit_conn key on the top level of the http-block to a value that would fit your specific use case.
dockerfile_create_volume_for_var_log 3 In linux systems, important operating system logs are stored in the /var/log subfolder. This folder should always be made available to the host through a volume, so that log tracking and log analysis systems can capture them.
Remediation: In every Dockerfile, there should be a VOLUME directive which has /var/log as an argument.
nginx_server_tokens_off 2 Knowing what NGINX version you are running may make you vulnerable if there is a known vulnerability for a specific version. There is a parameter to turn the display of the version on the error pages off. Our checking mechanism looks into each http-directive and ensures it is disabled on the top level.
Remediation: Set server_tokens to off on the http-level of the configuration.
nginx_disable_content_sniffing 2 There is an HTTP response header that makes it harder to perform content sniffing, which is considered a security vulnerability. NGINX can automatically set this header for every response by setting add_header X-Content-Type-Options to nosniff in nginx.conf.
dockerfile_shell_check_on_run_commands 2 Run commands in the Dockerfile are, generally speaking, shell scripts. It is best practice to lint them and do a shell-check on them for common, shell-script related errors, which can be quite subtle.
Remediation: Ensure that all RUN command lines would pass a run through the shellcheck database of common shell scripting errors.
dockerfile_copy_command_more_than_two_arguments_slash 2 The COPY directive allows the copying of one or more files on the host machine into the image that is being built. If there is more than one file copied, it is apparent that the destination is a folder, and hence has to end with /.
Remediation: Ensure that every COPY instruction with more than two arguments has the last argument ending with /
dockerfile_container_healthcheck_parameter 2 Dockerfiles have an instruction called HEALTHCHECK. It enables a user to define a command to figure out if the program(s) running inside the container are working properly. It is generally advisable to have healthchecks in place to assist monitoring of running containers.
Remediation: Have at least one HEALTHCHECK instruction in your Dockerfile.
nginx_one_root_outside_of_location_block 1 One can define a root directory inside of a location block. However, one also needs a root directory for all directives that do not match any given location.
Remediation: Either have a top-level root directive, or ensure that there is one in every location directive.
nginx_underscores_in_headers_allowed 1 The HTTP standard allows underscores in headers, but NGINX might silently dismiss them. The setting underscores_in_headers on will turn them on for you.
Remark: Since the underscores_in_headers_directive is allowed also in server-blocks, but only in very specific ones, we will only pass it if we find it in http-directives.
dockerfile_copy_destination_absolute_path_or_var 1 The COPY command should define its destination using an absolute path.
Remediation: Ensure that every COPY instruction has as last argument a string starting with '/' or starting with an environment variable/argument.
dockerfile_env_and_arg_defined_and_right_away_used 1 When creating Docker images that use environment variables or build arguments, it is advisable to position the ARG or ENV directives close to their actual uses, since otherwise the caching for building the images is not greatly used.
Remediation: Every variable defined by an ENV or ARG directive should be used within the next five commands inside the Dockerfile.

Scan performed at 2022-12-12 15:23:07 using the CoGuard CLI